Monday, 27 August 2007

Ulgh, where does the time go.

Well circumstances have gotten in the way a bit lately and so I have had to postpone my operation for a month. I will now be going on 28th September. At least it is not something urgent that needs to be sorted out. And I'm only getting it done so that I can knit again!!

My husband is currently having some tests which are a bit scary and have taken up a lot of our thinking time, hence the blogging break. Hopefully we will be getting some good news on that front at the end of the week. Can't say anymore until then.


Donna said...

You & your husband are both in my prayers.

Minnesota Nice said...

Doesn't it seem like we are always waiting - waiting for appointments, waiting for test results, waiting for surgery........(a lesson in patience, maybe?)
My best wishes for a good outcome.

Donna said...

You've been on my mind alot lately since you haven't posted anything for a while. I hope things are going well. You're in my prayers. Email me at if you get a chance. Thanks.

helenballas said...

I found your blog and read it with great interest. If it is OK, I am a wife of a type 1 diabetic and I am doing research into wives and their coping skills and I would like to post a link to our blog which has a link to our online survey. I too am searching for answers as it affects my life every day. I have bookmarked your blog. Many thanks for sharing. My blog link

Helen Ballas

AmyT said...

Hi Dee,

Welcome to the OC.

Have you found me yet over at I'd love it if you'd visit, and maybe add me to your blogroll.

All the best,